Twincraft Skincare & the Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival

Every August, hundreds of people gather at Burlington, Vermont’s Waterfront Park for the annual Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival (LCDBF). This community event, established by Dragonheart Vermont, brings together the Burlington community to raise funds for local cancer survivors and provides a fun, team-based activity for local groups and businesses like ours.

Working in teams, participants paddle a traditional Chinese dragon boat in a 200-meter, head-to-head race while spectators cheer from the shoreline. Teams are organized by division, with a separate division dedicated to teams comprised of breast cancer survivors. After the initial first round of races, winners advance to the semi-final and final race rounds.

Twincraft Skincare Dragonboat team rowing lake Champlain 2018

This year marks the third consecutive year Twincraft has participated in this event, and every year, we look forward to putting together an employee team and participating in this long-standing event. It supports our local community, but also encompasses the teamwork value we strive for at Twincraft.

Success of the dragon boat is not from individual strength; instead, it comes from the collective power and teamwork of the group. Team members must row together, staying in sync and to the rhythm of the drummer on the front producing the “heart beat” of the boat.  

The event unifies employees from all areas of our organization for a weekend of bonding and representing the Twincraft teamwork value.

Race day is quickly approaching, and Twincraft will once again have a team participating. For 2019, we’ve chosen a Game of Thrones inspired theme and appropriately named our team Game of Foam. We hope to see you at the waterfront on August 4, 2019 -- look for our custom house banners and come say hello.

A big thank-you to everyone at Dragonheart Vermont for organizing this amazing and humbling event!

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