We joined the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil program back in 2010, and now we're proud to offer certified sustainable soap base to all of our customers through the RSPO MB and RSPO SG Supply Chain Models - and if palm isn't for you, that's OK, too! We have options.
RSPO Trademark license number: RSPO-1106064
Sure, the products that we make here are sustainable, but what about the energy that we use to make them?
Our local energy provider - Green Mountain Power - does an incredible job of providing transparent information about where our energy comes from.
Saving lives & the planet, one bar of soap at a time
We ship tons of soap from our Winooski headquarters to Clean the World's processing facilities, keeping it out of the landfill.
Clean the World grinds the soap bars into pellets and finely refines them to eliminate any foreign particles. The pellets are sterilized, refined again, and manufactured into brand-new bars of soap.
1 bar of soap = 100 hand washes! The new bars of soap are donated to NGOs such as The WASH Foundation, to be distributed to vulnerable communities across the globe.