CBD is heralded as a miraculous solution for many conditions – anxiety, insomnia, acne, motion sickness, and much more. Clinical studies and testing is still lacking to support most of these claims, but market research and anecdotal evidence show that consumers don’t need to wait for science to prove that CBD will help cure what ails them.

While much of the US’s buying power is in the hands of Gen Z and Millennials, the US CBD market is driven by Baby Boomers looking for a solution for their aches and pains.

Baby Boomers & CBD

The research to understand CBD’s therapeutic outcomes is just beginning in the United States, but for those over the age of 50, CBD is a very viable alternative for anyone looking to avoid conventional medications, as well as the physical issues and abuse that come with these pharmaceuticals when dealing with pain management.¹

This group of CBD-loving Baby Boomers is not filled with typical cannabis users, and many are adverse to the formerly taboo material or anything that will get them high. They are looking for CBD-based pain solutions without the psychoactive results of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Pain & Inflammation

Pain from inflammation impacts most adults at some point in their lives, ranging from occasional joint aches to chronic pain that can dramatically interfere with their quality of life.

hemp flower and pain medicine pillsTraditionally, over-the-counter and prescription medicines have been used to manage this type of pain, with the most common anti-inflammatory medication being non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). This category includes aspirin and ibuprofen, as well as a range of prescription options, and while they work to block enzymes and minimize pain and inflammation, they often have unwanted side effects that are common and serious. They can have tremendous impact on vital organs and bodily systems, and the US FDA has published health advisories warning about the cardiovascular risks associated with NSAIDS, as well as a medication guide for using the lowest amount possible to minimize these dangerous side effects.²

Opioids are often commonly prescribed to treat pain, and the popularity of these highly addictive drugs is part of the complicated and pervasive rise of America’s opioid epidemic. Needless to say, those suffering from pain of all levels are looking for natural, safe, and non-addictive alternatives to managing pain and inflammation.

CBD in Skincare

CBD users are shopping for CBD gummies, tinctures, and other supplements to help them alleviate their pain from the inside out, but there is also mounting evidence to suggest that the topical application of CBD can help manage aches and pains in a more targeted way.

hemp plant and hemp seed oil jarWhile the actual science of this treatment is still under investigation, anecdotal evidence suggests that applying CBD to the skin triggers a response in the body’s own endocannabinoid system to alleviate joint and muscle pain. Skincare products do not penetrate the skin to enter the bloodstream and won’t actually come in to contact with the bone or muscle tissue, but the hemp-derived material appears to reduce pain in the targeted area.

For now, there is no regulatory information about dosing or application requirements, but consumers who believe in the benefits of topical CBD application are educating themselves on its potential and are willing to invest in products that they believe will work for them.

CBD Releaf Lotion

The Twincraft Skincare Innovation team formulated our own topical CBD lotion with the goal of helping to alleviate pain and inflammation.

This formula starts with our Pressed Serum base, which has a high water phase and quickly absorbs into the skin. It features CBD as well as cannabis sativa seed oil, which is derived from hemp seeds and helps to improve the skin’s barrier, as well as hydrate and calm the skin.

Additional marketing ingredients in the formula include feverfew, which is known as an herbal treatment for fever and headaches, and St John’s Wort, an herb that is anti-inflammatory and soothing. Juniper, ginger, and other plant extracts also help calm and revive skin.

To use, apply to areas of the body that are sore or achy. Massage lotion into skin as needed.

This product is 95% natural, cruelty-free, vegan, and 100% free from parabens, PEGs, sulfates, and silicones. CBD is a very versatile active ingredient, and can be featured in many of our base library concepts, including cleansers, bar soap, moisturizers, and other leave-on treatments. Please contact our Sales team to learn more about opportunities in contract manufacturing skincare products featuring CBD.


Sources: 1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/abbierosner/2019/01/02/for-baby-boomers-2018-was-the-year-of-cbd-get-ready-for-2019/#6e82ae2840b5 | 2. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/ucm451800.htm


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